Stay in touch with Skype

Our step-by-step tutorial will show you how to install Skype for free and easily for your operating system.

Step by step tutorial for Skype telephony

In our step-by-step tutorial we will show you how to install Skype for your own operating system for free and very easily. Just follow the instructions and get started.

Stay in touch with each other with Skype.

In times of Corona, personal contact does not take place for the most part, or it stays away completely. Whether it's a business meeting, meeting with friends or the weekly visit of the grandchildren.

With the help of Skype you have the possibility to at least look into the eyes of your family or friends and communicate with them via video telephony.

But how do you get the program on PC, smartphone or tablet?

In our step-by-step tutorial we will show you how to install Skype for your own operating system for free and very easily. Just follow the instructions and get started.

Of course you will find the appropriate hardware for video telephony at our onlineshop:

You have to allow the category Preferences.