What is an Adapted Enterprise?

In France, we belong to the category of adapted companies (formerly sheltered workshops). They are fully-fledged companies, but they pursue a social goal by employing at least 80% of workers recognised as disabled by the CDAPH (Commission des droits et de l' autonomie des personnes handicapées). We are subject to the same constraints of profitability and economic efficiency as any other commercial company. We have the same requirements as our customers in terms of quality, performance, cost optimization and responsiveness. Our services also have the advantage of granting a partial exemption from the annual contribution to Agefiph. 

zwei AfB Mitarbeiter schauen in der Produktion auf einen Bildschirm

Our awareness-raising actions

kleiner AfB STand mit einer Frau und einem Mann, die sich Flyer anschauen
ein mit Menschen voller Jet
eine volle Messe Halle und in der Mitte ein AfB Stand
zwei Frauen und ein Mann werden von zwei AfB Mitarbeiter am Stand beraten
drei Männer in einem Büro
ein AfB Stand mit einer Frau in einem Gartencenter

Every year AfB France takes part in events related to sustainable development and disability. AfB's teams contribute their resources to changing the general public's view of disability and to raising awareness of the imperative of putting our actions in line with an environmental logic.